Thursday, June 23, 2011


With these recent photos of the most incredible lightning action within the dust cloud of the erupting Chilean Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano, I thought it wise to give you a bit of a 'lightning heads up' for your post work beers converstions this friday.

1. Lightning bolts travel at speeds of up to 60,000 miles per second.
2. A flash of lightning can pulse as much power as there is in all the power plants in the United States in that split second.
3. About 71% of all people struck by lightning still survive. Ouch.
4. Lightning is not confined to thunderstorms. It's been seen in volcanic eruptions (like the chilean volcano), extremely intense forest fires, heavy snowstorms, and in large hurricanes. ...You know I thought it was so strange when I saw lightning across the sky in London the day the blizzard hit last December, I thought I was seeing things.
5. The irrational fear of lightning (and thunder) is astraphobia.
6. The earth is hit by lightning about 100 times per second.
7. Scientists are still to this day debating how lightning is initially formed, it's agreed that besides atmospheric pressure,  ice inside a cloud may be a key element in lightning development and may cause a forcible separation of positive and negative charges within the cloud, thus assisting in the formation of lightning. Ice, Ice Lightnin...
 8. Lightning CAN strike the same place twice, it would just be very unlikely...& unlucky.
9. Roy Sullivan currently holds the world record for lightning strikes.  Between 1942 and 1977, the U.S park ranger was struck by lightning on seven different occasions.
10. Hands down, best sweaters to be wearing in the unfortunate event of being struck by lightning are these. Make one yourself by reading here

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