Tuesday, March 1, 2011



WIND. Let’s talk about it.
I found myself complaining last Sunday because Melbourne was experiencing a really blustery day.
In the morning my dress went over my head on the way to get a coffee, and by the Afternoon I had developed that weird crazyness you often find horses get when it's very windy-  jumpy and irritable basically.
It got me thinking, what is the wind?
Well of course it’s bulk movement of air, technically it is the flow of gasses on a large scale. Hmm really large scale.
I may complain but what i certainly must take note for next time I question- is that we just wouldn’t be where we are right now if it wasn’t for the wind.
Sailing ships wouldn’t have crossed the oceans like they did and when they did, 747’s wouldn’t get the lift they do and we wouldn’t have wind energy.
The impact that wind had on the creating of all continents and landforms on earth is worth the horse-crazy moods.
Just don’t get too cocky Mr Wind.

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